LM-432 Crab Droid (2)
Basic info
First appearance: Clone Wars, Season 3 (2005)
The LM-432 crab droid, also simply referred to as a crab droid, was a battle droid used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Its name was derived from its six-legged scuttling movement and organic appearance. These droids were also nicknamed "muckrackers" because of their extensive use in marshy terrain. Ranging from three to twenty feet tall, the crab droid could use its legs to attack infantry in its way. As well as their powerful pincer legs, LM-432 crab droids were armed with twin blasters located on the bottom of the droid's body. These blasters were capable of rapid fire and a powerful double blast. They were also equipped with a vacuum pump system integrated into their forward pincers, which could suck up and then spit out mud to either clear space for Separatist forces or obscure the visual sensors of enemy forces. This earned them the nickname of "muckracker". Crab droids also used their front two pincers to whack opponents out of the way or to crush them with their ends. The crab droid was also equipped with three glowing photoreceptor eyes and communication/sensor antennae - making it seem like it was a living creature rather than a machine - a feature many of the Separatists' droids included. LM-432 units were protected by armorplast-shielding that could deflect blaster shots. The largest legs of an LM-432 unit were tipped with heavy duranium stabilizers that could secure perches on even bedrock. Smaller LM-432s were unable to rid themselves of opponents who got on top of them - veteran clones knew to avoid their blaster cannons by leaping on top of them. When in pursuit of an enemy, it could move very fast in short bursts to overtake it, and in this way run over their target.


Complete list
Crab Droid Huge Crab Droid
SWM Champions of the Force
SWM Bounty Hunters
Crab Droid
Huge Crab Droid

Last updated: 04.01.2022 10:14:02